Thursday 26 February 2015

Editor Update and World Building

Not dead! Just busy with university! Still, I've had time to make progress on creating a world, loading/saving games and exploration. I'll be sure to make a video once it looks clean enough to show.

That said, I've also made some pretty major enhancements to the editor as presented in the last few posts.
- Made engines look a bit better.
- Replaced Unity's awful trail renderer with a custom one. It's not perfect just yet but it's already more versatile.
- Added help boxes.
- Finally made a clean single-animator editor system.
- Added a gizmo to move/scale/rotate selected parts, made it screen-space as well.
- Loading a ship should now be MUCH faster - some of that code was old and downright offensive.
- Ship info should be more accurate.
- Added more sounds to the game, but they don't seem to work 100% of the time, probably due to Unity.

So far, this would be a near-final version of the editor. I'll be focusing a lot more on creating exploration-related content in the future - the basic exploration mechanics are already in place!

You can download the latest build here. As usual, if you like the ship you made and want it included in the game by default as a random ship, feel free to send it by mail for now. Maybe one day this will have steam workshop support (can't be that hard, can it?).